Without a doubt, the thing I most often get asked about is Jaqs' teething necklace, so I've decided to share a little "review" with y'all today. I first found out about these things when doing research on how to ease teething pains when J was around 7-8 months old and cutting her first teeth. I was skeptical, but decided it wasn't going to hurt anything to try, and they're darn cute!
The theory behind them is that real, Baltic amber releases succinic acid which is supposed to provide a natural pain reliever and a natural anti-inflammatory effect which eases the pains of teething. They are to be worn around the clock to gain the best result.
{{this is the exact necklace we have--fast and free shipping!}}
So, the real question, does it work?
I honestly feel like it has provided some relief to Jaqs while she's teething. We absolutely still have cranky days here and there associated with cutting teeth, but overall, I think she takes teething better when wearing this necklace. Her teething nights most definitely improved once we got this necklace on her! I mean, she cut all 4 of her molars without so much as a restless night, and that is nothing short of a miracle!
Does she wear it even while sleeping?
Yes. For the longest time we would wrap it around her ankle at night, but she continued to nap during the day with it around her neck. We finally decided she was fine to sleep in it at night as well, and she has been.
Does she chew on it?
No, these necklaces are not meant to be put in the mouth. They are to be worn short enough in length around the neck that the baby/toddler wearing it cannot place it in their mouth.
What if it breaks?
These necklaces are designed so that if it breaks, all the beads will not bounce off and fly all over for your baby to choke on. There is a knot in between each bead so that if it does break, only that one bead will fall off.
Which color am I supposed to get?
In my research, I found that the lighter in color the amber is, the more effective it will be. The most important thing to remember is that it has to be real, Baltic amber in order to work. There are plenty of knock-offs on the market, but they would be virtually ineffective without the succinic acid provided by Baltic amber.

I see those all the time and wondered what they were for/how they worked. Interesting.
I love ours. Connor seems to benefit from it so much. I was curious about the night time sleeping. I had tried to put it around his leg but it always came off inside his pajamas. I guess I could try letting him wear it at night around his neck. You think it's safe so I'm sure it is!
Great idea to do a post about this! I need to write an article in our local paper or something because everyone in town thinks I'm a nut for having my SON wear a necklace! haha!
I totally agree though, we've had almost no issues with teething (besides diaper rash). I figure it can't hurt anything!
Thanks for posting about this! I've been debating about getting one because I've been afraid my little one will pull it off. She is 11 months and cutting her first tooth so maybe I should give this a try.
We've been pretty lucky with Cameron's teething - he's had a few fussy moments, but I always have this necklace in the back of my mind...we may be investing in one when more molars come in! I'm glad you shared your experience; it's always so hard to know if products really work unless you hear from other moms!
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