I think it's safe to say that my 26th year is off to a pretty good start after one little hiccup the day before. Sunday was Rob's first Sunday back to work, and Jaqs and I had A DAY. It was awful, really. I even had a whole "keeping it real" blog post written up, but now that the dust has settled, I've decided it'll just stay unpublished. We survived, the girl slept from 630pm-8am that night, and things are a little happier now :)
When I put Jaqs to bed that night, I sent a "dinner" request to Rob to pick up BBQ chips and a chocolate shake on his way home. Somehow I felt SO MUCH better after inhaling all that! Ha.
The night got even better when he gave me my birthday goodies! The man read my blog, y'all, and he delivered. Not pictured are the Stella & Dot earrings I was eyeing...they haven't left my ears since I received them!
Side story: Rob and Jaqs went to Ulta together to pick up part of this stuff, and he picked out the nail polish on his own. What a man! I really wish I could have been a fly on the wall...I bet the girls working there were wondering how in the world this guy and his baby ended up in there buying eye cream and blue nail polish. Glad he's mine!
Monday was the big day! My birthday always falls on or around the first day of school, and of course the one year my birthday would have been on a Saturday was leap year, so I haven't spent my ACTUAL birthday with my hubby in years. Anyway, a couple of my girlfriends took me to lunch and loved on me instead.
My friend, Cassi, got me the most perfect card. We say "haters gon' hate" in response to almost everything. Want an extra piece of cake? Go for it, haters gon' hate. Head to Target in gym clothes and no make-up? Why not, haters gon' hate. You get the idea. Feels good when someone knows you so well!
After lunch, Jaqs took a looooong nap, so I had some "me" time and didn't feel one tinge of guilt for not doing anything around the house. I even took a nap myself...it was AWESOME!

You have a winner, girl! I bet every girl there was thinking it too! I'm glad you had a great birthday!
Way to go Rob, he did good!
Love the chips and chocolate shake for your birthday dinner. Perfection haha!
And the haters gon hate thing, too funny :)
Ohh, he's a keeper! Happy belated birthday :)
He did good! Happy belated!
Haha, I bet it was a site seeing him and J in Ulta! He did a great job!! Glad your birthday was a success.
YAY! I'm so excited I won the giveaway, thank you so much and I can't wait to get it in the mail!
What a fun birthday, your hubby is so cute! I love all the sweet gifts you got :)
Totally melts my heart thinking about Rob & Jaqs in ukra! So adorable!!! Glad you had a great birthday! Crazy about the 26!
happy late birthday! That was so sweet of your hubby to go to Ulta for you! I'm pretty sure my husband wouldn't even know what that is! haha
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