Everything seems to be coming to me in twos tonight, so I'm just gonna go with it...this post is going to be all over the place, but that's just life sometimes, right?! Right. Thanks for agreeing.
In honor of "premier week" on TV I'll start with two shows I can't miss...
First of all, Dr. Oz...I love this man! He's a genius. I learn so much just from watching his show! Remember when I saw him in New York? Ahh...

I'm almost embarrassed to even admit I watch this show, but I (shamelessly) watch it every.single.Tuesday. It's kind of addicting. The worst part is this isn't my only MTV "reality" addiction. Let's just say I also tune into a show that involves lots of fist pumping, guido/ettes and GTL. Pathetic right? Rob watches it too...don't tell him I told you though ;)

Now how about two pictures from last weekend? We had a little football watching shindig with good friends...it was so much fun!
Did I tell y'all Julie asked me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding next summer? And Rob is going to be one of Jerrod's groomsmen! We are so excited for them!!
Two trends I'm loving right now...
First up, jeggings! I know most people either love them or hate them, but I happen to love them. I'm a big fan of the "skinny" jean, but unlike Zoe Saldana I choose to cover up the hiney with a long top. How cute is she?! Adorable. Love that scarf too.

Leopard...I'm loving all things leopard! Of course, this isn't really a trend because it seems to always be in style, but it seems like it's EVERYWHERE right now. This bag is to die for, but at $1,950, I won't be getting it anytime soon! Drooling...

I told y'all this would be random, here are two things I cooked this week...
Herb roasted chicken.
This is the first whole chicken I've ever made, and I was feeling pretty proud of myself! I'm not sure why I've never made it before, I guess I was just intimidated by it, but it turned out SO good! I even made gravy. I kinda felt like my grandma :) In a good way, of course!
And "Better-for-You Chicken Parmesan." This was also DE-LISH! My mom & I made it together. If you want the recipe, let me know and I'll post it sometime soon!
There are two things I'm absolutely dreading about this weekend. The first is these stupid fruit flies. For my Genetics lab, we have to breed and cross-breed fruit flies in order to study different genetic mutations...jealous yet? Well, these things reproduce pretty quickly, so we have to monitor them every 10 hours to sort out the "babies" from the adults and the males from the females in order to control which flies mate and which do not. It gets worse...BOTH of my lab partners will be out of town this weekend, so that leaves ME to go up to school every 10 hours to do all of this. Seriously?! I hope these things all breed by Saturday night, so I can skip the Sunday shift all together.

And secondly, I have to put together my power point presentation for my Senior Seminar (Biology capstone) class. I have to give a 30-40 minute presentation on Tuesday by.my.self. I'm so nervous already. I hate public speaking :( Especially in front of people who have their doctorate degrees in various fields of science. Any advice on how to calm my nerves? Picture them in their underwear? Lots of rehearsal? Xanax? I kid, I kid.
But the good news is that there are a couple things I AM looking forward to about the weekend!
Tomorrow night is Cooper's homecoming! It's also the school's 50th anniversary, so the game should be a lot of fun tomorrow night! I put this picture up to go with this because my mother-in-law dared me to wear my door decor as a mum. Haha, can you imagine the looks I would get? Rob would be so proud to call me his wife :)
That's all I've got for ya. Happy Friday!!!
I would love that Chicken Parm recipe! I make it all the time, so I would love a new version!
I am with you, I love jeggings, but I will be covering my behind! :)
Good luck on your presentation!
Love your pics! I want a pair of those jeggings too! (I would wear them with a longer top too lol)
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