Apparently a twice a week pop-in is as good as it's going to get for me in the blogging department right now. I have the best intentions to blog in the evenings once Jaqs is in bed, but then I get busy doing other things & before I know it, it's 11 p.m. & I'm ready for bed again! Once football season starts back up, I'll have more spare time on my hands ;)
Anyway, I'm linking up with Darci & the other girls once again for Five on Friday! Love this link-up!
{one} Rob and I celebrated 5 years of marriage on July 5th! I truly cannot believe we've been married this long already, but the fact that we've been together for 10 is just mind-blowing. Seriously. I'm not old enough! ;) Ha. We were still in Abilene, so we got to go out for a little date once Jaqs went to bed thanks to my parents! True story: my dad made us take the kissy-kissy pic!
{two} Jaqs has mastered the cheese, and if you ask for it, you're getting it. That big ol' smile makes me laugh every time! Can't get enough!!
{three} We've been having so much summer fun lately, and I'm just loving life. Also the reason for my neglected blog. Football season starts in less than 2 weeks, so we're about to be in for a serious reality check around here. Adjusting back to single parenting is so hard...hoping J takes it easy on me.
water park fun with our buddies! |
{four} I'm in the process of giving our living room a little update, so I've been looking for some new throw pillows (story of my life...for real). I found these on Groop Dealz the other day, and I just love the arrow print and colors! I got the Robin's egg blue & yellow, and I can't wait to get them! I've also finally started on the "play area" in the room, so I'm excited to share that with y'all soon!
{five} Do y'all watch Big Brother? This is another one of those shows I haven't watched in YEARS, but I'm hooked on it this summer! Who are you liking so far? I'm totally digging the Mom Squad, and I love Howard & Candice, too! Really hoping they pick the "cool" kids off one by one. They got a good start last night!

Those pillows are so cute!! I may have to check out that website for decorating our new house!
And I loooove Big Brother! Team Mom Squad all the way :) And of course we have to support our fellow Christian, Howard!!!
Oh those pillows are super cute! Pillows are like the hardest thing to find and the MOST EXPENSIVE. It's ridiculous! Pillows and rugs = outrageous!
I love that your dad made you take the kissing picture, how sweet! And that Rob actually did it. My Rob would have said NO WAY :)
Your family is too cute! You definitely don't look old enough to be married for 5 years! Those throw pillows great!
She is too stinkin' cute! And you look fantastic mama!
I love the pillows!!! Congrats in 5 years of marriage
I love the splash pad pic!!
Happy five years!! LOVEE those pillows!
I'm a new follower! Just found your blog and your family is adorable. I'm watching Big Brother and feel the exact same way is you! Really hoping Howard is able to keep his good character through the summer. The 'cool kids' are disgusting. :(
Can't wait to see what you do with the living room update- you're so good with that kind of thing. Love those pillows!
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