Monday, July 15, 2013

weekend lovin'

Life has felt been kind of like one big weekend lately, and it's been AWESOME. Since our time is dwindling, we've been living it up while we have the chance! This weekend was a pretty sweet combination of busy but relaxing with lots of friend and family time mixed in.
If you follow me on the Insta, (@ktgalu) these pictures are mostly repeats...sorry!

Rob was with the Wildcats at the State 7 on 7 tourney all day Friday, so Jaqs and I spent the day just the 2 of us. We had contemplated going to the games, but I ultimately decided it was way too hot (102+) for her, plus they were about 40 miles down the road from us. We opted for Target fun isntead ;) We also went to dinner with our girlfriends that night!
When we got home from dinner, it was about 7:30, and I knew Rob wasn't too far from home, so I let Jaqs play outside so they'd get the chance to see each other. She wanted in her pool, so I stripped her down, and she went for a night swim! Girl was as happy as could be!
Rob & the guys had 7 on 7 again Saturday morning, so our friends came over for a "play-date," but I use that term loosely because J was napping for all but about 30 minutes of it, and Tatum is 2 weeks old, so yeah! Ha ;) Once the daddies got home that afternoon, we went to the water park with our bigger buddies, and all the kiddos (and parents) had a blast! No pictures to prove it, though.
 We had everyone over Saturday night for burgers, so these three plus Tatum (above) got to hang out all day long. We were cracking up at Jaqs & Tate sitting on the couch sharing chips. Those two are so funny together, and luckily we have Parker to keep them in line with their sharing and all those other things toddlers have trouble with!
 Sunday was pretty low key...we went out for lunch to our favorite mexican food place, but that was about the extent of productivity. It poured rain most of the day, so we were pretty lazy. I even took a little nap...BLISS!

Rob only has to work half days this week before he's back on the grind next week, so we'll be taking advantage of every last second of summer we can squeeze in. It has flown by entirely too fast, and I'm not ready to give it up quite yet. Let's not talk about it, actually.

Hope your week is off to a great start!


Jen said...

Okay, Jaqs is just the cutest!!! Hope you enjoy your last week before Rob goes back to work! Happy Monday, friend!

Stephanie said...

We had guests over on Friday and Connor slept all through dinner & our time together afterwards. I felt bad for our friends who didn't get to see him but I enjoyed the quiet time!

Madeline {elle + j} said...

Check out my blog! I nominated you for the Liebster Award!

Mateya said...

I'm an idiot but what is 7 on 7? Just football with only 7 guys instead of 11?

Sounds like a nice weekend...enjoy this last week with Rob around as much as you can!!! :)

Unknown said...

Sounds like a fun weekend! I hear you on avoiding the heat. Sometimes I just need the AC!

Sara said...

Jaqs is just too cute for words!
Life with Baby Sophia

Sara McCarty said...

How do I not follow you on IG?? Request just sent!

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