Happy (??) Monday, y'all! How was your weekend? As usual, ours flew right by.
Thursday was kind of a rough day around these parts, so I decided Friday was going to start off on the RIGHT foot, so once we were up and moving, the little lady and I headed straight to Starbucks for an iced PSL & Target. If only every day could start that way!
I must say, Jaqs was looking mighty grown up in her leopard jeggings. How do you think I would look in a matching pair?? ;) HA!
The football game was out of town this week, so another one of the coach's wives and her littles came over to have dinner, play & listen to the game. It was so fun, but unfortunately the Cats lost at the very last minute. Such a bummer!
Jaqs and I headed to the splash pad with the same momma & kiddos on Saturday morning since the guys were working (yeah--got home at 1:45 a.m. & back to work at 6:30 a.m!) to try to stay cool in the blazin' temps. She thought she was pretty big stuff going up and down the slide all by herself!
We came home for lunch & the girl took an awesome nap! I mean, check out this bed-head:
I guess sleeping for 3.5 hours will do that to ya! Now, let's do that every day, okay??
Saturday night Rob took his girls out for a family date night. We avoid any place that requires waiting a long time for food in the season of life, so we went to Chipotle where these two made googly eyes at each other the whole time :)
I mean, SERIOUSLY?! There is nothing better. Jaqs doesn't let her daddy out of her sight when he's home and gives him the sweetest hugs and kisses! Precious girl.
We also went for frozen yogurt and there was a little summer thunderstorm while we were there. We were playing outside when we got home and spotted a double rainbow! Of course, this iPhone picture is not the best, but my goodness, is God not SO GOOD? Wow.
Sunday morning was low-key, just playing with daddy until he had to head back to the office. It's always so hard to let him go on Sundays, but we know he has a job to do!
Now we'll look forward to the next!
Thank you to everyone who entered the giveaway for the holiday kid's tee! Meredith was the lucky winner, but Courtney is offering the shirts at a discounted rate for any of my other readers interested! They will be $12.99 (+shipping) and available to purchase via email. If you would like to place an order, send Courtney an email with the subject "Katie" to courtneyrubino{at}yahoo{dot}com and let her know what you'd like! She has several options (with matching bows) that can all be seen on her FB page.

You should totally get a pair of matching leopard leggings. ;)
I don't know if you can say.. but what does Rob do? I know he coaches but is that his full time job or does he have something else he calls work??
Looks like a fun weekend! Chipotle always makes me a happy girl ;-)
I love her leggings!!!! So cute :) and isn't it precious when our daughters are all lovey with their daddies?! It melts my heart every time.
Oh my goodness, those leggings! Love. She gets cuter by the day!
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