My poor little blog. I meant to post several times last week, but I just couldn't ever get it together. Oh, and Jaqs decided an hour & a half was an acceptable amount of time to nap each afternoon so that didn't help ;) Hopefully I can do better this week! I miss y'all!
We had another awesome weekend! Football season is hard at times, but we seriously savor the time that we do get together, and I LOVE that! It's always QUALITY when our trio is complete.
--On Friday morning I woke up (at 8:30!!!) to a text from a friend that she had left gluten free pumpkin muffins on my porch. I knew right then that it was going to be a great day! They were seriously amazing...might have polished them off within 24 hours. Thanks, Kim, for letting me be a taste tester of your new recipes! :)
--Jaqs and I had a low key morning of working out and playing at the park, then resting up for the game that night. Pop & GG made an over night stop in Temple on their way to San Antonio to see their other grand-baby, and we're so glad they did!!
--The Wildcats WON their homecoming 63-15! Woooohoo! So glad we're doing so well in district thus far.
--Saturday was spent running errands then playing with daddy once he got home. Oh, and Jaqs decided to go "bareback" on her pony before her bath. Poor Bob!
--We went to the pumpkin patch on Sunday morning, and it was so fun! I took pictures on my real camera for a change, so I'll share those once I get them uploaded :) Jaqs absolutely loved petting & feeding all the animals at the farm! I think she's meant to be a country girl!
--It was my day to take a mid-afternoon snack/meal to the coaches on Sunday, so we went up to the school to make our delivery after J's nap. Of course the little monkey went right to playing at the field. She is seriously so strong! She swings her legs from side to side while holding them up like that. I think her abs are stronger than mine...
I'll be back soon to share pictures from our pumpkin patch adventure! Is there anything else y'all would like to see or hear about?? Part of my blogger's block lately has been CONTENT. All I've been posting have been "life updates" because that's ALL I GOT. If you have any suggestions, I'm all ears! :) Thanks for sticking with me!!

oooo how i love pumpkin patch pics. they never get old to me. looking forward to seeing yall's!
happy monday, lovely!
I like life updates because if we were IRL friends that is what we would be talking a lot about anyway =). And thanks - I now want some pumpkin muffins and I can't have dairy - off to search for a recipe =)
What a fun weekend!! Can't wait to see your pictures at the pumpkin patch. I'm hoping we make it to one next weekend! :)
Love your updates! And can feel your pain as we just switched Macy to one nap a day. It took her about a week to realize that one 1.5hr nap wasn't going to cut it!
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