Friday, February 3, 2012


Hi all! I'm linking up with Leslie of A Blonde Ambition today for Confessional Friday!

1. A lot of my regular wardrobe also functions as maternity wear...should I be concerned by that? Does this mean I walk around looking pregnant even when I'm not? Hmm...

2. I'm a little bitter towards the Girl Scouts for not making a gluten free cookie. Get with it, girls! It's 2012.

3. I have to talk myself out of hitting up the coke machine at work almost daily. For the record, I only actually get a coke once a week...if that, but it's a battle ;-) Avoiding Sonic happy hour on the weekends is a whole other story. Will-power, people.

4. I'm so stinkin' excited about our upcoming baby showers. Is that vain? I hope not because I can't wait. Now, if I could stay off our online registry...

5. Every time a stranger asks me when I'm due I want to tell them I'm not pregnant just to see how bad they feel. I haven't done it yet (and probably won't), but asking a woman if she's pregnant is awfully brave (or stupid) if you ask me. I know I wouldn't dare!

6. Last week I noticed a bunch of nice, like-new Uhaul boxes on the curb of someone's new house while I was on my walk, so when I got home, I drove over there and asked the man if I could have them. He was happy to get rid of them, and they now reside in our attic with the rest of our boxes. Now, we're definitely not planning on going anywhere ANY time soon, but I've learned it's always good to be prepared! And boxes aren't cheap when you purchase them at Uhaul, you know! It made me feel sort of like a lunatic...but I'll thank myself someday ;)

7. I had a dream about Jaqs last night, and she came out of the womb TALKING. What the?! Why does pregnancy make you have such crazy dreams?

8. This "winter" weather has me seriously concerned for what's in store this summer. We've had a few cold days, but mostly it's been in the 60s or 70s this year. It's nice, but I hope this doesn't mean we're in for another tortuous summer. I'm sure it does, though. Waaahhh.

That's all I've got...for now...

Happy Friday, y'all!


Randi said...

I found your blog from Leslie, you should totally say "no I'm not pregnant!" haha that would be so funny!

Unknown said...

Found your blog from confessional friday! You are too funny! When we got married I couldn't stay off the online registry either :) You blog is so cute!


Heather said...

I'm completely wearing regular clothes today! I feel the same, haha. I did finally cave and order maternity pants, though.

And I TOTALLY want to tell someone I'm not pregnant! I think it would be hilarious.

Brandi said...

I'm scared about the summer heat too! I mean it's February and I have the air conditioner on...yikes!!! Baby showers are sooo much fun!!

Mateya said...

Good for you for taking the boxes haha! You never know!

So when you have 70 degrees in the middle of winter do you still wear flip flops and shorts?! I always wonder that about warmer climates!

Alyssa said...

LOVE Sonic happy hour! Thank God I now live over 10 minutes away from a Sonic or I'd be in trouble!

Anonymous said...

Did she say that she was ready to eat

Anna & Kirby said...

I love that my "regular" wardrobe works for maternity! That means I have more to wear and less to spend... thanks goodness!

PS I'm a new follower! We are due in June and I love reading other pregnant mommy blogs. Can't wait to read more.

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